Review: Risecare Yni Picture-esque 3 Dot Eyeliner

Review: Risecare Yni Picture-esque 3 Dot Eyeliner

Tonight’s review is about my first ever eyeliner pen. I was like “wow” it’s much easier to use than liquid liner. Let’s start. πŸ™‚

The packaging. I dont know why some korean makeup have long names. Haha πŸ˜›

ynipicture eyeliner

The 3-dot pen which looks like a fork. πŸ™‚

risecare ynipicture

And here are the swatches. I applied it on my hand once only. While on the lids, I had 2 applications to have the black cat eye. πŸ™‚ Read more

Unboxing: MEMEBOX Special #28 All About Eyes

Unboxing: MEMEBOX Special #28 All About Eyes

This is my first ever beauty box and unboxing post. It’s from Memebox. The box contains different eye makeup like mascara, concealer, eyeliners, false lashes and eye care. I was really surprised because I received 8 full sized products. That’s a lot. πŸ˜€

The box looks like this. But when you receive this, it’s in a bubble wrap. I love receiving packages! πŸ˜€

The items are carefully placed in the box.

Here are the items. I categorized them so you wont get confused:
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