Liebster Award #5

Liebster Award #5

Happy weekend, readers! I’m nominated again for the Liebster Award! Special thanks to Jessica Jade -Beauty for nominating me. I truly appreciate it. Please visit her blog for amazing beauty and lifestyle posts. ๐Ÿ™‚

As usual, we have to answer the questions below. Scroll down and continue reading if you want to know more about me… And also check out the rules and questions I prepared for the nominees. ๐Ÿ™‚



  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you
  3. Nominate 5-11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award
  4. Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  5. Give them 11 questions of your own

Jessica Jade’s questions
Why did you start blogging?
My blog was created for kpop fangirling. But I wanted my own content so it shifted to what it is now.

Do you have any pets?
Yes, we have 7 spoiled dogs

Do you still have anything from your childhood?
We still have Westlife and Meteor Garden’s F4 posters in our room. I’m a westlifer since I was 3 years old. Oh those days…

What type of posts do you love to write the most?
I like product reviews and some occasional rants.

What type of posts do you love to read the most?
Same as what I love to post and hauls. It feels like bloggers are talking to us while we’re sitting together on a couch. Haha! I’m happy when they’re so excited to share their hauls.

Whatโ€™s your favourite post on your blog? (please link:))
Everything but my ultimate favorites are:
What blogging has taught me: click here
Vitamin C 21.5 Advanced Serum: click here
Lush haul: click here
Lush reviews:ย  click here

What was the last film you watched?
Captain America: Civil War. I liked the story. I felt sad for Tony Stark though. We’re excited for the next Marvel movie.

How do you take your blog photos?
I take photos on my phone. I’m lazy! Haha. I lost my iphone. The quality right now is not as good. I can get away sometimes using natural/day lighting. That’s the best and my favorite.

What is your beauty must have?
I have a lot to mention. Lush Fresh Farmacy and Mask of Magnaminty are on the list. Hmmm you gave me an idea for my future post.โ˜บ

Have you got any advice for fellow bloggers?
Be consistent on posting whether you have small or large number of readers.

Tell me something random about yourself
I’m so clueless about my life. Aaaaah!

I nominate:

Here are some random questions for the nominees:

  • When did you start blogging
  • What’s your favorite song right now?
  • Who is/are your favorite youtuber(s)?
  • Your favorite restaurant and their specialty
  • Favorite ice cream flavor
  • Favorite store(s) to visit
  • One thing that makes your day
  • Would you rather go back in time or take a peek of the future?
  • So far what’s the best thing that happened to you in 2016?
  • How do you motivate yourself?
  • Your favorite quote

Congratulations nominees! You deserve it. Dont forget to inform us if you’ve already done this tag so we can read your answers.๐Ÿ’—

Make sure to visit their websites. ๐Ÿ™‚

Liebster Award #4

Liebster Award #4

I was nominated by Alluring Princess. Thank you so much for nominating me. It means a lot and I really enjoy answering questions from bloggers. Don’t forget to visit her blog,ย Click the link to be redirected. ๐Ÿ™‚


What are these Liebster awards?
Liebster Award is a new-comer award given by bloggers to bloggers, that creates a great platform for new blogs to be discovered and build communications. The best thing about this award is, it creates a lot of encouragement and support within our blogging community.

What are the Liebster Award Rules?

By accepting this award I am committing to the following:

  1. Thank and Tag the person nominated you.
  2. Answer 11 questions asked by your nominator.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers.
  4. Create 11 questions for your 11 chosen bloggers.
  5. Notify them so through social media.


List of her questions and my answers:

  • What is that one problem you face when you go shopping for dresses?
    It’s either too short or too long. I’m short and a bit conservative. The bottom part of the dresses nowadays are too short even for my height. I can’t move freely.
  • Tell me something that portrays an โ€˜adorable childishโ€™ quality in you.
    I make weird faces and I don’t think it’s adorable, honestly. Hahaha.
  • Whatโ€™d you loved the most in your teen-life?
    In my teens, we used to just go to school. Basically our only problems were exams, projects and homework. I’m 21 now and realized school’s just a small part of our lives. I did not know what the “real life and real world” were like.
  • What is that one theme or message that you loved the most of all the books youโ€™ve read so far?
    I don’t read books. Oops. I’m more of a blog reader. ๐Ÿ™‚ Anything that’s inspirational and gives motivation.
  • Your views on my blog โ€“ ALLURING PRINCESS. (Truth please!)
    Omg. It’s so organized! I like your theme’s color combination and it’s eye-friendly/easy to read. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • What does life mean to you?
    This kind of short question looks easy to answer…. It’s really difficult to answer. Huhu. Life means to me that we all have to do what makes us genuinely happy as long as you’re helping your family, you’re not harming anyone and you’re not doing anything illegal. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • If you were a celebrity, would you whole-heartedly accept criticisms? What would you do to impress your fans?
    Two things you love and hate in girls.
    If I were a celebrity I’d accept criticisms, only if they’re constructive. I won’t mind the others after all not everyone will like me. I think it’s a chore to impress anyone. That will control me from being myself. If I had fans, I’d just spend a day with them every month.
  • What is that one thing that you would never sacrifice for someone?
    That’s a tough question. Maybe, giving up my dreams?
  • What does your blog mean to you?
    Oh it means a LOT! I can talk freely about my obsession on skin care. I’m happy to help other people in deciding if they’re going to try a product or not. I have no one talk to about it in real life. It’s like a diary to me but in public version. Hahaha.
  • Your message for the blogosphere.
    Not everyone takes blogging seriously but don’t mind them. If you like to blog about anything, just do it! Like what Shia LaBeouf said. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’m going to break the rules. Ooops. I nominate anyone who wants to do this tag.


  1. What do you like most about blogging?
  2. Do you have any holy grail skin care product?
  3. How about holy grail makeup?
  4. One thing you’re afraid to do but you still want to do it anyway?
  5. Name some of your favorite Youtubers (beauty and non-beauty related)
  6. What’s the #1 in your New Year’s Resolution list?
  7. Tell us about your “best day ever”
  8. Your all time favorite food
  9. Your favorite song right now
  10. What/who inspires you to do your thing?
  11. Please share a motivational message

I had fun answering them.:) I’m asking random questions. Again, I nominate anyone who wants to do this tag. Feel free to do it. Just be sure to comment back the link of your post so I can read all of your answers! ๐Ÿ™‚

One Lovely Blog Award

One Lovely Blog Award

onelovelyblog Woohoo! I just got nominated again for One Lovely Blog Award. I want to say thank you to Harivain of Fierce Paint. I planned to nominate him for an award but he did it first. Haha. ๐Ÿ˜›

Oh, don’t forget to visit his blog. Im pretty sure you want to learn more about product reviews from skincare to makeup, hauls, first impressions, tips and hacks. Fierce Paint got it all. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Thank the Person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  • List the rules and display the Award.
  • Add 7 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 other Bloggers and comment on one of their recent posts to let them know they have been nominated.

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Liebster Award #3

Liebster Award #3

Hello readers! I was lucky enough to be nominated for another Liebster Award. Special thanks to Ar Ma of Reasons To Smile. Be sure to check her blog for lifestyle posts, reviews and tips. She’s a Demi Lovato fan too! ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘ฏ I like doing Q&As. It’s a fun way to get to know bloggers. Let’s start. ๐Ÿ™‚
The Rules:
1. Link and thank the blog that nominated you.
2. Answer the nominater’s 11 questions.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers of your choice.
4. Creat 11 questions for your nominaters to answer on their blog.
5. Notify your nominaters via social media

Ar Ma’s Questions
1. What’s the one thing that makes you happy?
When everything’s okay and going smoothly.

2. What’s your favourite colour?
Black. It’s too classy and can be paired with any color. ๐Ÿ™‚

3. What’s your dream job?
This is still a tough question for me. I want a job in retail industry like cosmetics company either local and international brand. Sometimes I want to be a full time blogger. And last but not least, managing my own business like restaurants and skincare/cosmetics company.

4. What dream/s do you want to complete?
The dreams I listed above. I’ve already accomplished one of my dreams and that is to become a blogger… Not full time though. ๐Ÿ˜›

5. What kind of person do your friends describe you as?
Funny, quiet and I get mad easily. I just want to thank them for sticking with me no matter how fast my mood changes.โค๏ธ
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“The Blogger Interview” tag

“The Blogger Interview” tag


Hello readers and bloggers! I’ve been tagged again and I’d like to thank Denise for this. Visit and show some love on her blog. She has awesome posts! ๐Ÿ™‚

How did you get into blogging?
My blog was originally dedicated for KPOP news until I got tired of copy pasting news from other websites. I wanted an original content. My skin started to get breakouts when I was 16. My love for kpop influenced me to take care of my skin. Not because I wanted to get really flawless skin but to improve my skin’s condition. And this blog became active again.

What advice would you give to a blogger just starting out?
My advice, write about what you love and what you’re interested in. Write whenever you feel like doing it. Never force yourself to publish contents that you don’t like. You dont have to post everyday unless you want to and if you’re motivated.

How has your blog changed since you started writing it?
It changed a lot. My reviews are more detailed and realistic. I’m meeting new people around the world. We do not talk a lot but it’s fun that we all share the same interests. I’ve collaborated with companies and local online sellers. I even had repeat collaborations. I was invited to a blogger event this summer unfortunately I had chickenpox that time. โœŒ๐Ÿป๏ธ Last but not least, more people are appreciating my posts. I’ve learned a lot from their tips too. It’s a give and take thing actually. ๐Ÿ™‚
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Liebster Award Nomination

Liebster Award Nomination

Hey readers! Im back for another tag. I’d like to thank Rei of for nominating me. She makes product and restaurant reviews. You should check it out. Im truly grateful to be nominated for another award. ๐Ÿ™‚


So here are the Rules:

  1. Thank the nominator
  2. Display award in post
  3. Nominate 10 other bloggers
  4. Answer the 10 questions

Here are her questions for me:
1. What animal would you like to be?
Probably a bird that migrates to different countries. No need for tickets and visas. Hahaha. ๐Ÿ˜‰

2. What is your favourite food since your childhood?
Fried chicken from Jollibee, until now it’s the only thing that can cheer me up whenever Im sick.

3. What is your main motivation to blog?
Sharing my reviews. I hoard stuff and I have no one to talk to about them at home and with friends. Blogging is the only way. People think Im weird. Haha. Yes Im weird. :))

4. What is your dream job?
Having my own business. It’s definitely not for everyone but I’ve been testing if I could have my own business through online since I was 17 years old.

5. What is your biggest success so far?
I just graduated in college. Hmmm I’m still asking myself “what’s next?”

6. Which song do you sing while showering?
Zedd’s Find You. Im preparing for his True Colors Tour on August 8. Im ready. ๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

7. If you can get a free flight ticket, where will you fly to?
The Netherlands. I want to experience biking in Amsterdam and Im curious why there so many DJs from that country. ๐Ÿ™‚

8. How do you spend your spare time?
Eat and sleep. I sleep the whole day on weekends if I dont have anything to do.

9. Which part of your body that you are most thankful for?
My hands. They can do so many things. I cant apply my skincare without them. Hahaha. :))

10. Cotton candy vs popsicles? Why?
Popsicles, I think cotton candy is too sweet for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

Nominees, here are my questions for you:

  1. What’s your philosophy in life?
  2. What did you do on your recent vacation?
  3. Your favorite dish to cook?
  4. Your holy grail skincare product and why?
  5. Your HG makeup product and why?
  6. Your all time favorite restaurant?
  7. What was the best thing that happened to you this month?
  8. If you can only eat one food, what would it be?
  9. If you can only have one nail polish color for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  10. Any advice for your readers? (beauty, life and etc.)

And here are my nominees:

It’s your turn now. Hope you have fun reading my answers. And I hope you’ll have fun answering the questions I prepared for you. Congratulations on the nomination! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award


It’s so great that I’ve been nominated for Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. I was nominated by Yazzi of The Pretty Pomegranate, one of the wonderful bloggers here on WordPress. Thank you so much! ๐Ÿ™‚

You will get to know more about me in this post. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this. ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions the nominator has provided.
  3. Nominate 10 other bloggers
  4. Create 10 questions for your nominees and notify them of their nomination

Questions I have to answer
1. What makes your blog unique?
My blog is focused on skincare products and dermatological treatments for oily, sensitive and acne prone skin. You know the struggle of having acne… What more if your skin is very sensitive? Yup, welcome to my life.

2. What is your favorite part about blogging?
I can share my opinion on products. My English writing skills have improved and I applied in college. I help others on their journey to have better skin. I get to discover new products from other bloggers.

3. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
I’ll go to Israel and Jordan. They are full of history. I’ve been hearing a lot of stories about them since I was young. It must be fulfilling to visit those places especially if I feel the need to get away with everything or simple just soul searching. I found out that we can also be baptized in the Jordan River just like Jesus. I’d be really amazed and fulfilled if I was baptized there as well. Now it’s in my bucket list.

4. Do you find yourself to be more of a shy or outgoing person in face to face interactions?
Im a shy person but I can assure you that I’ll look in your eyes when I talk to you. ๐Ÿ™‚

5. What beauty/skincare product is on your wishlist right now?
Is…. So only one, right? Hahaha. It’s difficult to choose but if I have to… I’ll go with COSRX Advanced Snail Mucin 96 Power Essence.
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Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award

I was nominated by for this award. Many thanks to you. ๐Ÿ™‚ โค๏ธ


Rules for the versatile Award
1. Thank the person who gave you this award. Thatโ€™s common courtesy.
2. Include a link to their blog. Thatโ€™s also common courtesy โ€” if you can figure out how to do it.
3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that youโ€™ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
4. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award โ€” you might include a link back to the post on your site announcing their nomination.
5. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

7 things about me:

  1. I buy skincare products more than clothes, bags/accessories & shoes
  2. I visit a lot of online shops everyday
  3. I was in 6th grade when I used to be obsessed with web and graphic designing because of Friendster.
  4. I prefer salty foods than sweets which is still bad.
  5. I like to have my weekly “me time”.
  6. I have deep voice, I sound like a man and like a zombie. It’s a miracle if an agent on the phone will call me “Ma’am or miss” ๐Ÿ˜‚

Welp, those are the random things about me. Now it’s your turn. ๐Ÿ™‚

I nominate:

1. Rinesoo
2. Rubie’s Life
3. Hana1220
4. Veritazy
5. Auntie Snail
6. RavishingRoses
7. NotQuiteLondon
8. Kelly Jung
9. Sharingisbeautiful
10. Silktherapy
11. Thelifeofkristyn
12. throughthelookingglassanddowntherabbithole
13. Megan
14. Carbon&pearls
15. Alisa Wong

I hope you’ll enjoy sharing with us some random things about you. ๐Ÿ™‚